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Error initializing ThinShare component: Prístup je odmietnutý.

Pri pokuse o pripojenie na klientsky PC v ucebni (dialkove rizeni) sa na ucitelskom pocitaci zobrazi hlasenie:

Spojeni s uzivatelem 'STUDENT18" nelze navazat.

Kod chyby: 0x800705B4

Opreacia sa vratila, pretoze uplynul casovy limit.

Na pocitaci student 18 sa zobrazi chyba: Error initializing ThinShare component: Prístup je odmietnutý.

- Doteraz vsetko fungovalo normalne. V poslednej dobe nebol robeny ziaden upgrade ani nic. Proste to zrazu prestalo ist.

- STUDENT18 je WIN 7  - tuto istu chybu robi aj na dalsich 5 PC s WIN7

- Ucitelske PC je Windows XP SP3

- Firewall som skusal vypnut aj na ucitelovi aj studentovi - bezo zmeny.

Prosim poradte riesenie tohto problemu.


Problem sa nam podarilo vyriesit.

Pripajam kratky navod po ktorom sa problem opravil:

This is probably just a problem with the settings. Could you first please try to change the following setting in your teacher-module. Go in Vision to the File-Tab, go on preferences, there click on network and change the network type to wireless and the adapter from default to the adapter you actually using.

Please close Vision, restart the computer. If this helps, make sure that the teacher-computer has a fix IP-Address, otherwise the settings will go back to default.

If the described procedure does not solve you problem. could you please try the following first on one student and then try to remote him.
Please go in your control-panel  to your display adapters and remove the Netop Mirror Driver. Then, please restart your computer. In the following go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Netop\Vision\TSEngine and run  "meddmrrinst.exe". While installing the monitor should flare once. Please restart again.